POPNA and MicroPOPNA are framework toolboxes for conducting Policy Oriented Post-Disaster Needs Assessments.
It is designed for conducting policy oriented needs assessment after disasters on various geographic scales. The intention is to link the concrete situation of the inhabitants of a disaster stricken area with actionable policies.
POPNA is a system that provides quantified representative data on the living conditions of the affected population, and relates those to the effects of a given disaster.
POPNA consists of a standard questionnaire (currently tailored to earthquakes) and a manual.
MicroPOPNA is similar to POPNA, but is focused on serving the needs of communities, and is also designed to be conducted by the communities themselves, enabling communities to make their needs visible. MicroPOPNA is smaller, more lightweight and simpler than POPNA in order to make implementation in communities feasible. While it may be used in an additive manner in communities over a large disaster affected area (each community taking responsibility for its own MicroPOPNA) it may also be used when a single community has been affected by a disaster. Accordingly MICROPONA is in some ways more versatile than the full-fledged POPNA instrument.
MicroPOPNA is available in two versions: as a paper questionnaire and manual, and as an app running on Windows computers and Android.
The app is completely self contained – it can be used for drawing samples, managing the survey, interviewing and generating results.
POPNA has been financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The original work on community POPNA was financed by UNDP China.