The original POPNA toolbox is a full fledged toolbox designed to be used by research organizations to carry out policy oriented post-disaster needs assessment.
POPNA is designed for collecting comprehensive information about what a disaster affected population needs for longer-term post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. The information produced is intended to be reported to policymakers and other political actors, such as central and/or local governments in the affected region, international organizations, NGOs, etc.
The aim of conducting a POPNA is to provide such stakeholders with knowledge that enables them to formulate policies or decisions that efficiently facilitate victims’recovery in the long run. Because of this specific aim, POPNA is different from traditional needs assessments in that it is policy oriented, has a long-term outlook, and is comprehensive yet targeted in scope, content and methodology.
The POPNA toolbox is described in the manual and the associated questionnaire. Part of the basic philosophy of POPNA is that rapid does not mean bad, rough, sloppy or approximate. POPNA is designed to use established procedures for sampling,questionnaire construction, fieldwork and analysis while maintaining rapidity and quality in a post-disaster setting. The toolbox is intended to help the researcher with this task.
POPNA can be implemented based on paper questionnaires or tablets or smartphones.
Material related to the original POPNA can be downloaded from the download page.