
On this page we have listed  a somewhat arbitrary collection of post disaster assessment tools, views and information. 


PDNA: A heavy weight post disaster needs assessment by the European Union, the UN Development Group, and the World Bank. 
Go to PDNA

PDNA lessons

Lessons from PDNA: an evaluation report. A comprehensive evaluation of the PDNA framework and its use.
Goto PDNA evaluation


 A critical blog on post disaster needs assessment on the basis of experiences from the Nepal earthquake.
Go to blog


Involving children and youth with Haiti earthquake as point of departure.
Go to site

Hurricane Nargis

The hurricane Nargis periodic reviews are a good examples of studying and monitori ng the effects of a disaster.
Go to periodic review This is a reference for the first review. There are three more.


The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) publishes the EM-DAT database. EM-DAT is a comprehensive database of natural and human created disasters since 1900 to the present.   
Go to EM-DAT


The World Food Programme’s assessment tools are obviously biased toward food, but their web page has a lot of relevant information for post-disaster needs assessment.
Go to WFP


Suggestions for adding to this lists are most welcome.

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